CIJ strives to resolve customers’ issues and social problems by leveraging cutting-edge technology.
Digital transformation
CIJ promotes digital transformation as the technology to support innovation.
CIJ not only provides "products", which are high-quality and high-performance software based on technologies and experiences it has built up over the years, but also delivers "services" that create new values.
To promote DX, companies need the skills to appropriately drive problem solving by making full use of digital technologies such as IoT and AI.
CIJ can support and help customers with the optimal human resources with the appropriate DX skills to create new businesses or transform their business models.
Development of service robots
CIJ has been developing and providing“AYUDA”, a humanoid service robot capable of moving autonomously, and “AYUDA-MíraMe”, a compact, stationary communication robot.
The robots are equipped with voice recognition, conversation, and facial authentication features to enable their use as receptionists or guidance service agents at facilities where controlling the flow of people is difficult, such as city halls, hospitals and long-term care/childcare facilities. This not only reduces the possibility of personal contact, but also improves work efficiency and saves labor.
Moreover, through this development, CIJ has been acquiring AI technology of machine learning and deep learning to develop AI services and solutions.
Efforts towards a future considerate to people and society
CIJ will create valuable solutions by combining technologies it has built up in the past with new technologies it will acquire while developing the service robots.
By tackling social issues head on such as labor shortage, decreasing birthrate and aging population, CIJ aims to contribute to achieving a future considerate to people and society, where people and robots can coexist in harmony.